They look awesome, right?
But how to create them!
Supple curves mixed with hard angles can be a superb combo.
It is a great way to spice up your folio and hone your hard surface skills.
All in one go!
They look cool.
Seem to be fun to model.
But how easy are they really to make?
Well, here is your c...
Time is something you cannot buy.
Investing in proper tools is beyond essential.
Such tools will not only save you a ton of time.
They will also help you in developing more efficient workflow.
HardOPS and Boxcutter are my most favourite Blender addons.
The speed and efficiency that I can ach...
Sometimes it's just fun to play around with random shapes in Blender.
It allows you to maintain and test your skills, improve your workflow, and create fun pieces to add to your collection.
I create several random shapes per week.
They might not have any particular function, but the important ...
Could you defuse a bomb?
Of course not!
And why?
Because you lack of knowledge on explosives.
Can you cut a wire?
Sure you can!
It is a simple task, right?
What does this have to do with modeling?
Well, think about it.
You may not be able to create a dream scifi environment...yet.
But, maybe you can mod...
Modeling and texturing can be easy, and fun.
AND, both can be done quicker than you think.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
"I don't like cutting corners."
Ha! Agreed!
Shortcuts are a funny thing, though.
They will either hurt you or benefit you.
I take them whenever I can, but without compromising the...
Modeling in Blender is not that difficult, especially if you have solid foundations.
However, the basics are not that hard to learn.
The true challenge lays in developing a solid and efficient workflow that suits your needs and modeling style.
In this Blender tutorial we will model a part of a...
Polygon modeling has its limitations.
These limitations stretch far beyond Blender and hard surface modeling.
A good example here would be bevels running through a complex mesh, or through other bevels.
That is where polygon modeling falls short.
The shading falls apart, and if the issue is s...
Stop overcomplicating things in Blender.
We care about your success as a 3D Blender artist, and overcomplicating things will only make your learning slower and more tedious.
But sometimes you don't know when you're overcomplicating things.
Often times it just happens intuitively.
...The key to mastering hard surface in Blender is immersion and regular practice.
Each time you challenge yourself to modeling an idea, you will run into obstacles.
Overcoming these will be your best teacher. In this Blender tutorial we will model a scifi shock absorber.
We will use quite a few ...
When you think of booleans, you might think of basic stuff like cutting holes or running slice operations.
But the truth is, booleans can do a lot more.
Like, a LOT more.
You see, when I use booleans, most of the time I do indeed use the basic ones, like Difference or Union.
But sometimes, I'...
One of the best ways to master hard surface modeling in Blender is to practice with simpler shapes.
You see, hard surface modeling isn't all about creating complex shapes and designs that look like some high-level artist created it.
Often times, you can create incredibly simple shapes and get s...
Sometimes hard surface modeling can be a bit tricky... but in a fun way!
You see, often times we see extremely simple shapes and think "oh, I could make that!"
But how about the one linked above?
It's a weird, tricky, infinite-loop type of design, and looks a bit complicated to model.
But it'...